Monday, July 23, 2012

Fully Alive in Christ

So, every good tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.
                                                                                                                 ~ Matthew 7:17 (ESV)

The LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live.
                                                                                                                 ~ Deuteronomy 30:6 (ESV)

The Lord speaks to me through nature so often. I was outside picking off the dead blooms from my petunias on my front porch. I was noticing how vibrant and alive the flowers looked especially after I plucked away the wilting blooms. When I finished the weeding and pruning,  I stepped back and was drawn in by the beauty of the flowers. I was thinking about the yucky stuff that had been in my heart for so many years of my life. I struggled to forgive people who had hurt me and I held onto the pain for years. In the past, the poison of unforgiveness tainted my soul and kept me bound until I allowed the Lord to slough away the dead places in my heart. I heard Jesus whispering words as I was tending to my flowers.

You are like these flowers. I am like the gardener. As you allow Me to tend to your heart, I remove all of the dead parts so the vibrant beauty of My Spirit can exude from your soul. Let me continually slough away the ugliness that invades your heart. Surrender to the process of My pruning and see the vibrant beauty of your heart come forth. Live fully alive in Me and let My Spirit be what is most seen in your life.

Jesus' words were a reminder to me of the great awakening that has taken place in my soul through the power of His love. He undoubtedly has the power to remove all the dead places in each of our hearts and resurrect beauty and life. His perfect love allows us to live in love toward others. It's only through Him that we can love unconditionally and forgive perfectly. We are never more alive than when we are walking in Christ's love and forgiveness. May we all allow His gentle hand to pull out the dead parts inside of us so that we can be fully alive in Christ.

A Prayer

Beloved Jesus,

Thank You for the way You gently remove the yucky stuff from our hearts so that we may truly live. Thank You for Your perfect love. We surrender every part of ourselves to You and ask You to awaken every dead place in each of our souls. We love You, Jesus. In Your Mighty Name. Amen.

Live Abundantly!


Terri Porta said...

Amy, Great post on surrender and priorities. It's so easy to get sucked into the sand traps of our past but when we just put it behind us we free up our attitudes, our mental energy and our joy. Thanks again! Loved it.

Amy said...


Yes, putting our past behind us is very freeing!

Blessings to you,