Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

It’s the beginning of a new year and a new decade!

There is no better time to renew our spirits and jump head first into the great things God has for each of us. I’m so excited about all that He has in store for this next year. I believe it’s going to be the most exciting year ever!

As long as we run from negativity and run into the arms of Jesus, we will see amazing things in our lives throughout 2010.

This past year has been an incredible year of watching God do miracles in my life while my husband has been out of work and attending college. I expect the coming year to be even better!

Jesus has flooded my heart over the past 12 months with His words. The one thing that stands out the most from 2009 is the day I heard Him saying, “I’m shaking RELIGION out of the Body of Christ.” He certainly has shaken religion out of my heart!

Call me crazy…I don’t care…I’m crazy in love with Jesus. And nothing excites me more than watching others get shaken by His love! There is no doubt…I’m a radical lover of Christ and I find great joy in His soul-freeing Spirit resting upon my life.

His love has shaken me in ways I could have never dreamed of.

His love makes every difficulty in this life a vapor in the wind. His love changes the most painful circumstances into a beautiful work of art. His love covers the soul with peace, joy, and goodness. His love is better than anything else!

Are you ready for Jesus to knock your socks off with His love? 2010 is going to be an amazing year of believers drawing closer to the heart of Christ. I can feel it in my bones…His love is rocking the world like never before.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Beautifully written Amy.... I loved it!

I'm excited about what He has in store for 2010....

Love you!